The Dojo has a new Masters Database

Dojo Digest Vol 10 • July 1, 2024
Site Updates

Master's Database - We now have a database of master-level games, filterable by time control! We currently have 250,000 games available and are in the process of uploading another 5 million! The database will then be updated weekly with the latest games. To search the database, just open the Position Explorer tab and you'll be able to choose between Dojo members' annotated games, the Lichess database and the new masters database.

Endgame Tests - In addition to our tactics tests, we now have endgame tests for all rating groups. The endgame tests will soon be part of a player's endgame rating on their profile, similar to the existing tactics rating. You can take the new tests here.

Positional Tests - are coming soon. We are beta-testing them now. The particular challenge is asking for an evaluation and then grading it. No other website has ever done this!

A Lesson from the Tests - The most common mistake we see across the Dojo is players moving too fast. People generally move too fast out of anxiety and exhaustion. While you might not feel exhausted in the same way as with physical work, your system two thinking can only go so far and it’s at that point when you make an impulsive move. We are seeing this phenomenon in the tests too: players are so sure of their answers that they often are not using all of their allotted time. The Dojo hopes these tests will train patience, reflection and a judgement of our first instincts!


NoseKnowsAll faced and beat his first NM in an OTB event! Check out his game here and leave a comment!

Timpe recently beat an IM in a FIDE-rate OTB rapid tournament and had an overall tournament performance of 2089! You can check out the full results of the tournament here.

Penrow has been continuing to make great progress, recently graduating to the 900-1000 cohort!

Over the past year of Dojo 2.0, we've collectively achieved:

147,460 rating points gained
71,050 training hours logged
1,563 graduations

Keep up the great work!