THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP! - The Dojo is doing live commentary for all games on Twitch and YouTube. No engine commentary! Don’t follow a sad engine bar going up and down for reasons unknown! For the duration of the championship, use code WC24 to get a 20% discount on a subscription to the Dojo Training Program.
The heatmap has evolved! Many thanks to Jalp aka Noobmaster for making a vision into a reality. Take a look at FinoChess’s heatmap:
Let’s do another one because they are so pretty. Here is Sidmandoo's heatmap:
At a glance, we can now see how much a Dojoer has been playing and what kind of work they’ve done. Sensei Kraai is seeing an immediate impact in the graduation show ( at 12 ET every Wednesday and Thursday!). Dojoers are now thinking about the heatmap (I need to do some sweatwork today) and it’s showing up in the maps. It comes as no surprise that the best maps are being produced by those making progress and graduating. Senseis are feeling it too, I gotta do some sweatwork today. It becomes a subconscious urge that leads to better habits.
Round Robin Tournaments - Jalp also gets credit for creating the Dojo Round Robin. It’s a beautiful new tournament with a simple idea: the first 10 players to sign up from a cohort form a round robin that lasts three months. We already have several cohorts with more than one section! Below is a look at the 11-1200 cohort tournament already underway. Sign up here.
Teams - Are you part of a scholastic or European club team? Let us know! We would like to bring your teammates to the Dojo and see you with them on a customized scoreboard. We believe the Dojo is the place for teams to track their progress, be competitive with one another and challenge other teams.
Are you part of a team that wants to have their own scoreboard where you can all follow a program? Then do as the Patterson Clippers – get that team on the Dojo and win some trophies:
LifeCanBeSoNice defeated a GM in the Lichess Bundesliga with the Dojo Team! Check out his video of the game here.
TristanBrown17 won a 16 round blitz tournament for Class C and below players!
Chris recently crosssed 1000 Rapid rating! Chris has said he's seen a big improvement since joining the Dojo.
The Dojo has crossed 2000 total graduations! Great job, everyone!
The Dojo has collectively achieved:
164,156 rating points gained
82,284 training hours logged
60,302 Dojo points earned
2,169 graduations
Keep up the great work!